We hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas and in the midst of parties, gifts and gatherings remember that Christmas is really about celebrating the birth of our Saviour. I will admit I fail at this daily this time of year, but as I think about Christmas next year with Mary-Michael, I pray Geoff and I will do a good job of reminding her of the true meaning of Christmas in the years to come. We have much to be thankful for. Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas card
This year we failed to get a Christmas postcard put together and out as in year's past. The fall and winter have been much too busy. We did take some pictures with the hope we might get one together, so I'm posting them below.
We hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas and in the midst of parties, gifts and gatherings remember that Christmas is really about celebrating the birth of our Saviour. I will admit I fail at this daily this time of year, but as I think about Christmas next year with Mary-Michael, I pray Geoff and I will do a good job of reminding her of the true meaning of Christmas in the years to come. We have much to be thankful for. Merry Christmas!

We hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas and in the midst of parties, gifts and gatherings remember that Christmas is really about celebrating the birth of our Saviour. I will admit I fail at this daily this time of year, but as I think about Christmas next year with Mary-Michael, I pray Geoff and I will do a good job of reminding her of the true meaning of Christmas in the years to come. We have much to be thankful for. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Cosby Show, Cats and 28 weeks
As my ability to sleep through the night fades, I'm grateful to know there's some quality TV on at 3 in the morning, especially since this may become somewhat of a routine when Mary-Michael arrives. I was a bit surprised that in between this family-friendly show there are some sketchy commercials with scantily-clad women you can call for a good time...
I'm also noticing that this is play time for our cats, which is not so great for their tired and impatient mother. As I write this, I am throwing 2 off the couch and hushing another that has just ran behind the Christmas tree. This is confirmation that it will not be a good idea to put Mary-Michael's bassinet outside our room or she might wake up snuggling with 3 furry creatures.
We went to the doctor yesterday for our 28 week check up and a routine glucose screening. After a hefty dose of super sugary fruit punch, we met with the doctor and asked her the dozen or so questions we came up with about natural childbirth after watching The Business of Being Born. While I felt a bit silly "interviewing" her and asking about the protocol of the hospital, I was reminded that delivering a baby is in fact a very big deal! We spend tons of time researching a new car or the best computer to buy, so why shouldn't we when it comes to bringing our baby into the world. It was a very helpful conversation - now we've just got to get through those child birth classes so I can learn how to cope through contractions! Besides this, we were very glad to know that I'm growing well, which means Mary-Michael is growing well, too! I've gained 6 pounds more since my last appt. 4 weeks ago, which confirms that all the Christmas cookies I've been eating are going somewhere. :)
I'm also noticing that this is play time for our cats, which is not so great for their tired and impatient mother. As I write this, I am throwing 2 off the couch and hushing another that has just ran behind the Christmas tree. This is confirmation that it will not be a good idea to put Mary-Michael's bassinet outside our room or she might wake up snuggling with 3 furry creatures.
We went to the doctor yesterday for our 28 week check up and a routine glucose screening. After a hefty dose of super sugary fruit punch, we met with the doctor and asked her the dozen or so questions we came up with about natural childbirth after watching The Business of Being Born. While I felt a bit silly "interviewing" her and asking about the protocol of the hospital, I was reminded that delivering a baby is in fact a very big deal! We spend tons of time researching a new car or the best computer to buy, so why shouldn't we when it comes to bringing our baby into the world. It was a very helpful conversation - now we've just got to get through those child birth classes so I can learn how to cope through contractions! Besides this, we were very glad to know that I'm growing well, which means Mary-Michael is growing well, too! I've gained 6 pounds more since my last appt. 4 weeks ago, which confirms that all the Christmas cookies I've been eating are going somewhere. :)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Loving this Season!
It's so exciting to think that next year we'll be celebrating Christmas and this great season with Mary-Michael. It makes us start thinking about our own family traditions that we'll want to start, which is very exciting as I love traditions and they became tough to keep when mom and dad separated. I can't wait to start our own! But until then, we will surely keep busy with Christmas parties, dinners and get-togethers. Tomorrow evening, we'll have Geoff's business partner and a few of their employees and spouses out for dinner. You can imagine I'm in a bit if a tizzy trying to get the house clean, which isn't going well since something seems to be wrong with my vaccum cleaner and we now have 2 dogs and 3 cats that do not want to be outside in the cold temperatures. Regardless of how the house looks, we'll have good food and drink, so hopefully, it will be a good time for all. And on Sunday, we will go the annual Desperates Christmas party.
If you don't know, the Desperates are a group of very special women and their families who have been family friends since before I was born. They have changed my diapers, celebrated milestones and are a great example of true friendship. They often remind me of the importance of keeping in touch with my girlfriends and working hard to maintain those cherished friendships, which I admit, I am not always successful at, but thanksfully, I have very forgiving and supportive friends. It's sure to be a fun afternoon with way too much food!
We hope you are enjoying this special season of Christmas and remembering why we celebrate. While it's fun to give and get gifts, the greatest gift of all has already been given to us - life and unconditional love through our Savior, Jesus.
Here's a few pics celebrating the first day of my 3rd trimester, which was last Saturday. She's going to be hear before we know it!
Geoff had taken about 10 other pics before this, so I was starting to get sassy.

A photo attempt with Carla and Radar.
If you don't know, the Desperates are a group of very special women and their families who have been family friends since before I was born. They have changed my diapers, celebrated milestones and are a great example of true friendship. They often remind me of the importance of keeping in touch with my girlfriends and working hard to maintain those cherished friendships, which I admit, I am not always successful at, but thanksfully, I have very forgiving and supportive friends. It's sure to be a fun afternoon with way too much food!
We hope you are enjoying this special season of Christmas and remembering why we celebrate. While it's fun to give and get gifts, the greatest gift of all has already been given to us - life and unconditional love through our Savior, Jesus.
Here's a few pics celebrating the first day of my 3rd trimester, which was last Saturday. She's going to be hear before we know it!
Geoff had taken about 10 other pics before this, so I was starting to get sassy.
A photo attempt with Carla and Radar.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
On this day of Thanksgiving, we think about all the many, many things we have to be grateful for. As I write this, we are headed up to Alexandria to spend a few days with the Lawrence's, which is always filled with lively conversation, a messy kitchen that produces a great meal and just genuine family time. I am blessed that my mom and Ronnie are also invited, so I get to see some of my family, too. As we're riding, here are a few things we thank God for:
1. Pregnancy - as tired as I am from lack of sleep still, it is quickly forgotten when I feel Mary-Michael kick and think that she will be here in our arms in just a few months. I really do love being pregnant and am so grateful to be able to carry a child. We have taken a jump start on this parenting thing as this past Sunday we started Growing Kids God's Way - a 17-week parenting class at church. Not only will it focus on encouraging and disciplining your children but it will also focus on the importance of a strong marriage and regular self-reflection.
2. Dallas Cowboys beat the Washington Redskins - you can guess who said this...and yes, it was a sorry game, but as Geoff reminds me a win is a win no matter what. He is very excited to gloat to Keesha today at dinner. Sorry Keesha!
3. Family - while we can often frustrate each other and have trouble seeing eye to eye, we are still family, and we are blessed to have so many that live near us and support us in our lives. Thanks for putting up with our antics and loving us no matter what. We were able to get together with my momma's side of the family on Sunday for Thanksgiving - Carla entertained the little ones, and it was great to have my Mimi and Grandad from Alaska with us.
4. Friends - the fall is always an exciting time at our home because fall=hunting season, and while neither of us hunt, we have many friends that do, and our land apparently is filled with deer looking to be eaten. This often means early morning arrivals and late morning check-ins at the house to eat breakfast, warm up and sometimes take a little nap before heading back out. These are some of my favorite days. And we've enjoyed over this last week spending time with April/Jared and the girls, Anne (my running partner whom I love dearly), Ash (the name says enough), my monthly dinner ladies (April, Lacey, Renee) and the usuals (the Young's and Klug's). We love all of you!
5. Our jobs - we are so grateful that Geoff's company continues to thrive and provide, and while owning your own company has its ups and downs no matter what stage you're in, they have managed to make it and grow in a tough economy. God is good! And while the last few months have held some long hours for me, I really do have a great job, am part of a great team and am managed by a great lady. If you want to see what TNTP is up to and how we're changing the education landscape, check out http://widgeteffect.org/.
As I look at the length of this post, I can see that I need to be better about updating regularly. Thanks for those that made it to the end of this. I still have more I want to share, but I'll save for next time. Below are two recent pics of our current "baby" - Carla. Happy Thanksgiving!

1. Pregnancy - as tired as I am from lack of sleep still, it is quickly forgotten when I feel Mary-Michael kick and think that she will be here in our arms in just a few months. I really do love being pregnant and am so grateful to be able to carry a child. We have taken a jump start on this parenting thing as this past Sunday we started Growing Kids God's Way - a 17-week parenting class at church. Not only will it focus on encouraging and disciplining your children but it will also focus on the importance of a strong marriage and regular self-reflection.
2. Dallas Cowboys beat the Washington Redskins - you can guess who said this...and yes, it was a sorry game, but as Geoff reminds me a win is a win no matter what. He is very excited to gloat to Keesha today at dinner. Sorry Keesha!
3. Family - while we can often frustrate each other and have trouble seeing eye to eye, we are still family, and we are blessed to have so many that live near us and support us in our lives. Thanks for putting up with our antics and loving us no matter what. We were able to get together with my momma's side of the family on Sunday for Thanksgiving - Carla entertained the little ones, and it was great to have my Mimi and Grandad from Alaska with us.
4. Friends - the fall is always an exciting time at our home because fall=hunting season, and while neither of us hunt, we have many friends that do, and our land apparently is filled with deer looking to be eaten. This often means early morning arrivals and late morning check-ins at the house to eat breakfast, warm up and sometimes take a little nap before heading back out. These are some of my favorite days. And we've enjoyed over this last week spending time with April/Jared and the girls, Anne (my running partner whom I love dearly), Ash (the name says enough), my monthly dinner ladies (April, Lacey, Renee) and the usuals (the Young's and Klug's). We love all of you!
5. Our jobs - we are so grateful that Geoff's company continues to thrive and provide, and while owning your own company has its ups and downs no matter what stage you're in, they have managed to make it and grow in a tough economy. God is good! And while the last few months have held some long hours for me, I really do have a great job, am part of a great team and am managed by a great lady. If you want to see what TNTP is up to and how we're changing the education landscape, check out http://widgeteffect.org/.
As I look at the length of this post, I can see that I need to be better about updating regularly. Thanks for those that made it to the end of this. I still have more I want to share, but I'll save for next time. Below are two recent pics of our current "baby" - Carla. Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 16, 2009
We've had a busy but enjoyable last few weeks - sorry for the lag time in between posts! Last weekend we enjoyed a much needed, unplanned weekend away, which took us to Shenandoah Crossings outside of Charlottesville. We spent a lot of time reading in front of the fire, enjoyed visiting with Christian, Mike and Lilly Kate and took the annual trip to Carter Mountain Apple Orchard. Carla joined us and was the star everywhere she went. Several people came up and took pictures of her, which freaked Geoff out a bit since he didn't know these people and he was holding her. After apple cider donuts and over 20 lbs of apples we left and enjoyed a quick dinner and finished our registry at Target - so fun!
This past weekend Charlene's stepdaughter came to stay with us so the newlyweds could have a night to themselves. Geoff and his partner, Chip, split firewood on Saturday while I enjoyed piddling and cleaning. Saturday night Geoff and I led a seminar on Marriage and Money for a conference put on by Entrust Federal Credit Union. It's the first time we've spoken together in a more formal setting, but we really enjoyed it and loved meeting some new people. Sunday was a perfect Sunday - a day of rest! After church, I went shopping with Mom, while Geoff spent some time with friends and the dogs. We wrapped up the evening with a visit from a friend and Geoff's parents who had spent the weekend golfing in Williamsburg. It was an eventful weekend and great to see so many people. I can't wait until Mary-Michael is here to meet everyone!
She is moving a lot these days. It's hard to believe she'll be here in just a few months. We were reminded this weekend that while we can't do much but make sure I take care of myself, we can begin praying for her - praying for her future husband, friends and that she'll be a loving, caring person that looks after those who are in need. I only hope we can halfway model what this looks like - I think we better be praying for ourselves, too!
This weekend we start a parenting class called Growing Kids God's Way...my Nana commented today that by the time she's old enough for us to instill some of the ideas we learn we'll have forgotten them...maybe we're getting a little ahead of ourselves, but it feels right to try and get prepared though I know we'll be in for some surprises along the way.
Once I find my camera, I'll add some new pics. Have a fabulous week!
This past weekend Charlene's stepdaughter came to stay with us so the newlyweds could have a night to themselves. Geoff and his partner, Chip, split firewood on Saturday while I enjoyed piddling and cleaning. Saturday night Geoff and I led a seminar on Marriage and Money for a conference put on by Entrust Federal Credit Union. It's the first time we've spoken together in a more formal setting, but we really enjoyed it and loved meeting some new people. Sunday was a perfect Sunday - a day of rest! After church, I went shopping with Mom, while Geoff spent some time with friends and the dogs. We wrapped up the evening with a visit from a friend and Geoff's parents who had spent the weekend golfing in Williamsburg. It was an eventful weekend and great to see so many people. I can't wait until Mary-Michael is here to meet everyone!
She is moving a lot these days. It's hard to believe she'll be here in just a few months. We were reminded this weekend that while we can't do much but make sure I take care of myself, we can begin praying for her - praying for her future husband, friends and that she'll be a loving, caring person that looks after those who are in need. I only hope we can halfway model what this looks like - I think we better be praying for ourselves, too!
This weekend we start a parenting class called Growing Kids God's Way...my Nana commented today that by the time she's old enough for us to instill some of the ideas we learn we'll have forgotten them...maybe we're getting a little ahead of ourselves, but it feels right to try and get prepared though I know we'll be in for some surprises along the way.
Once I find my camera, I'll add some new pics. Have a fabulous week!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Last 2 Weeks
I didn't mean to take so long to update, but it has been a very busy 2 weeks. Here are a few highlights:
1. Mary-Michael and I took a work trip to Brooklyn, NY (and squeezed in a little fun with a visit to my favorite New Yorker, Faith!)
2. The family also took a trip to West Virginia to visit Kameron with Keesha and Brian. We enjoyed a very entertaining ballgame between WVU and UConn followed by a night on the town (Morgantown=smoky bars=pregnant lady standing outside). It was great to see Kam settled in and reminisce back to our old collegiate days.
3. Geoff and I found a baby beagle pup that we have fallen in love with. We have named her Carla, and she weighs a whole 3 pounds. She has literally captured out hearts, so we can only guess that this is a fraction of how we will feel when our baby girl comes.
4. Mary-Michael had another ultrasound on Friday to get some better pictures of her heart; she must have known it was picture time as she was in the perfect position for the tech to take pics and for us to see her sucking her thumb, drinking and wiggling.
5. I have officially started registering - who knew there were so many gadgets for babies! If you have any "must-haves" please share.
Look for pics from the 20 week ultrasound and our newest addition (Carla) coming soon (my regular computer is being worked on, and my loaner is not quite up to speed). Have a great week!
1. Mary-Michael and I took a work trip to Brooklyn, NY (and squeezed in a little fun with a visit to my favorite New Yorker, Faith!)
2. The family also took a trip to West Virginia to visit Kameron with Keesha and Brian. We enjoyed a very entertaining ballgame between WVU and UConn followed by a night on the town (Morgantown=smoky bars=pregnant lady standing outside). It was great to see Kam settled in and reminisce back to our old collegiate days.
3. Geoff and I found a baby beagle pup that we have fallen in love with. We have named her Carla, and she weighs a whole 3 pounds. She has literally captured out hearts, so we can only guess that this is a fraction of how we will feel when our baby girl comes.
4. Mary-Michael had another ultrasound on Friday to get some better pictures of her heart; she must have known it was picture time as she was in the perfect position for the tech to take pics and for us to see her sucking her thumb, drinking and wiggling.
5. I have officially started registering - who knew there were so many gadgets for babies! If you have any "must-haves" please share.
Look for pics from the 20 week ultrasound and our newest addition (Carla) coming soon (my regular computer is being worked on, and my loaner is not quite up to speed). Have a great week!
Monday, October 19, 2009
It's a....
GIRL!! Wow, we are so excited to share that we will be welcoming a baby girl into our family. We had a great visit to the doctor where we found out she is growing well and all looks normal. She appears to have her daddy's energy already, as we spent an hour with the ultrasound tech who couldn't get her to stay still long enough to get the measurements she needed. She was doing a lot of fist pumping, which Geoff attributes to me and my feminist tendencies. He's convinced she was yelling "girl power" while she twisted and turned.
Geoff's decided his first purchase will be a cleaning system for his gun - while I think she will have her daddy wrapped around her finger, he's determined to be Mr. Tough Guy when she starts dating, which I've reminded him won't be for at least 16 years. Alas, a guy can dream.
Thanks for all the calls, prayers and support - our girl is already blessed to have so many that love her. Oh, and we can now stop calling her baby and start referring to her as Mary-Michael. We are still deciding on a middle name, so stay tuned.
Geoff's decided his first purchase will be a cleaning system for his gun - while I think she will have her daddy wrapped around her finger, he's determined to be Mr. Tough Guy when she starts dating, which I've reminded him won't be for at least 16 years. Alas, a guy can dream.
Thanks for all the calls, prayers and support - our girl is already blessed to have so many that love her. Oh, and we can now stop calling her baby and start referring to her as Mary-Michael. We are still deciding on a middle name, so stay tuned.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Has anyone considered creating a mattress for pregnant women? One that has a deep hole for your belly to snuggle into so that you can sleep on your stomach would be really nice. I've tried the body pillow, the regular pillow, drugs and I'm stilling having trouble sleeping. Mothers say God is just preparing me for the many sleepless nights ahead. Thanks, God - I think?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
1 week away!
In just one week we find out if we'll be planning for baseball, dirt and GI Joes or ballet, dress-up and My Little Ponies. So exciting! We go back and forth on what we think it might be, and today we're thinking it might be a boy. Ask tomorrow, and our minds may have completely changed. In actuality, we really just want to know that s/he's growing well and healthy.
Until I returned from my trip to California last week, I was starting to worry that I wasn't gaining enough weight, but it seems my trip to the Bay Area did some good. I came back, and it was like my belly all the sudden popped out. I catch Geoff staring at it often, which really makes me laugh. It's really amazing how much your body changes and prepares for this crazy miracle. it feels really good so far!
Look out for a post next Monday....have a great week.
Until I returned from my trip to California last week, I was starting to worry that I wasn't gaining enough weight, but it seems my trip to the Bay Area did some good. I came back, and it was like my belly all the sudden popped out. I catch Geoff staring at it often, which really makes me laugh. It's really amazing how much your body changes and prepares for this crazy miracle. it feels really good so far!
Look out for a post next Monday....have a great week.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Busy, Busy!
It's been a busy last 2 weeks, but we've enjoyed a relaxing weekend to piddle and watch football, which I've done more of in the last few weeks than I think I have in the last 5 years. I can tell you that Geoff has no complaints about this!
I enjoyed a work trip to Chicago last week - these trips are always packed with sessions, talks and excursions, but never fail to be energizing and a great reminder of how much of an impact our organization is making. Geoff is in the middle of what I think he would say is his busiest season ever. His company continues to grow despite our country's economic conditions, and while he is scrambling to try and get it all done, he knows this is the best problem to have when you own your own business. God is very good.
Not too much to report on the baby end. We've had a check-up and everything looks good. Heartbeat is normal, my weight gain is normal and in just 3 weeks (Oct. 19) we'll find out if we're going to be parents to a son or daughter. So exciting! And I'm anxious to feel my first kick or punch from the baby, which according to the books should be coming soon. I can't wait!
We were blessed this morning to spend a few hours with our dear friends Dan and Kelly who gave birth to a healthy baby girl very early this morning. It's exciting to watch them enter parenthood. We know we'll be learning a lot from them and are looking forward to watching little Sherry Lee grow up!
Please keep them in your prayers, as well as Geoff's grandpa who fell and broke his hip over the weekend. Geoff loves and admires him greatly, and we are praying for wisdom for the doctors and a quick recovery.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying this wonderful season we call Fall.
I enjoyed a work trip to Chicago last week - these trips are always packed with sessions, talks and excursions, but never fail to be energizing and a great reminder of how much of an impact our organization is making. Geoff is in the middle of what I think he would say is his busiest season ever. His company continues to grow despite our country's economic conditions, and while he is scrambling to try and get it all done, he knows this is the best problem to have when you own your own business. God is very good.
Not too much to report on the baby end. We've had a check-up and everything looks good. Heartbeat is normal, my weight gain is normal and in just 3 weeks (Oct. 19) we'll find out if we're going to be parents to a son or daughter. So exciting! And I'm anxious to feel my first kick or punch from the baby, which according to the books should be coming soon. I can't wait!
We were blessed this morning to spend a few hours with our dear friends Dan and Kelly who gave birth to a healthy baby girl very early this morning. It's exciting to watch them enter parenthood. We know we'll be learning a lot from them and are looking forward to watching little Sherry Lee grow up!
Please keep them in your prayers, as well as Geoff's grandpa who fell and broke his hip over the weekend. Geoff loves and admires him greatly, and we are praying for wisdom for the doctors and a quick recovery.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying this wonderful season we call Fall.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Four Years!
On September 10, we celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary! It's so hard to believe that much time has passed. I know we both agree that we are so grateful for the time we've had to just be married, figure out life and really get to know one another. And while many say that first year is the honeymoon period, we disagree and say it only gets better. I know those parents out there are shaking their heads and thinking "you just wait until that baby comes" - well, you're right - our world will surely be turned upside down, but we are SO excited.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Reaching the Second Trimester!
Jeremiah 1:5a
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."
It's amazing to think that a baby is developing inside of me and that already his personality is being formed. I pray he is generous, open-minded and a dreamer like his father. And I pray that we will never put our children in a box but lovingly encourage them to be exactly who God created them to be. Today I am feeling very blessed to be given the opportunity to carry a child, and I hope I'll continue to feel this way even as I get big and uncomfortable!
This Saturday I reached 14 weeks - a great milestone as this means I'm past the likelihood of miscarrying. And I hear that more energy and possibly a desire to clean everything is up ahead, which wouldn't be a bad thing considering the state of our house! For those we don't get to see often, above is a picture of my growing belly.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Welcome to our blog! With family and friends spread out across the country, we thought this would be a great way to keep everyone up-to-date on what were doing and how our little blessing is developing. We are so excited to meet our little one in about 6 months!
Terra is now 13 weeks along and struggling to button those jeans. Nausea has passed and the lingering tiredness has started to fade. Geoff is already thinking about college and life insurance for the baby that has yet to be born...thank goodness one of us is that much of a planner!
We had a 12 week check-up last week and were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time - so special! So far everything is moving along as it should. We'll do our best to keep everyone updated. Please keep in touch - we would love to hear from each of you.
Terra is now 13 weeks along and struggling to button those jeans. Nausea has passed and the lingering tiredness has started to fade. Geoff is already thinking about college and life insurance for the baby that has yet to be born...thank goodness one of us is that much of a planner!
We had a 12 week check-up last week and were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time - so special! So far everything is moving along as it should. We'll do our best to keep everyone updated. Please keep in touch - we would love to hear from each of you.
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