Wow, our amazing God and a sweet, selfless birth mother has given us such a gift in this tiny little package. From your baby Afro to your big brown eyes and curling little toes, we just love you so much. And now we are blessed with an adorable smile and sweet baby talking. Sometimes, I just nibble your cheeks and cover you with kisses. You are so sweet, my little brown sugar, as I love to call you. You are easy-going and a great sleeper, which God knew this Momma of 4 would need. Since about two months old, you give us full night of sleep with the exception of needing your pacifier a few times. What a blessing! You eat well and the only time you really get upset is when you are hungry or need a diaper change. Otherwise, you are just as happy as can be.
At your two month check up, you were doing everything you should at that age. You weighed 13 lbs. 4 oz. and your head and height were in the 90 to 95th percentile.
Your brother and sisters love you to pieces. We are so blessed that there really hasn’t been any jealousy or complaining about you joining our family. You are very easy to love!
Celebrating Poppy’s birthday with a cook out at our house.
Giving Poppy a sweet smile.
Bathtime snuggles. Look at that squishiness!
A smile that lights up a room!
So much love.
A sweet sleeping angel that still loves to be swaddled even at three months old.
Kick time with Sadie Rae.
Brotherly love. So precious.