The resurrection eggs were also helpful in remembering the story of Jesus' last days on earth. And through that, we all anticipated our Messianic Seder meal as we remembered Jesus' last supper with his disciples the night before he was crucified. The kids helped make matzoh and prepare the table for our "feast" of traditional food (none that actually fills anyone up, so it is basically an after dinner snack). This is our 3rd year doing this, and the kids are so eager for it. I just love this evening as a family around a candlelit table remembering God's absolute sovereignty over life and death. And I love that we humble ourselves and wash each other's feet and pray over each other. While the children's favorite thing may still be the many candles and bountiful goblets of grape juice, it is still powerful.
Our newest little Easter darling had no idea what was going on, but he will soon. Our times with family over the few weeks leading up to Easter were a treat, and we know we are blessed to be close enough to gather with so many. Praying your Easter was meaningful, and that if you are in Christ you remember throughout the year that you are a new creation and you are forgiven.