You were born the morning of Friday, February 16, 2018 to a lovely, brave young woman we will call Auntie O. You arrived at Henrico Doctors Hospital in an ambulance around 530 in the morning. At 9:50 AM you entered this world. Auntie knew before she arrived she was going to give you a better chance in life and place you for adoption, but at the time of your arrival she didn’t yet know the plan, but God did. She met with our social worker (who completed our home studies) from Jewish Family Services (JFS) a few hours after your birth. After reviewing dozens of families, Auntie O. continued to return to our family. She made her choice and hoped we would say yes. She didn’t have a Plan B option or a runner-up family, which we didn’t know until later. I’m so glad we listened to God and said yes to you!
And we don’t know why Auntie O. chose to go to JFS when there are so many adoption agencies in the area, but we trust it was God that led her to do that because otherwise, she would have never known about us.
We first found out about you on your birthday (2/16) around 2 PM when we received a call from two of the social workers at JFS. I was shocked to say the least that we had been chosen and that we now had an opportunity to have a baby boy join our family. We never thought we’d have that opportunity because it’s very rare when planning for a private adoption. After a few hours of talking with Daddy, praying and waiting to hear from the Lord, we called them back and said yes, please let him be ours!
That Friday evening, your daddy worked really hard to find out what to do next. A Friday night is not an easy time to get in touch with lawyers and other adoption staff that we needed to help make a plan. But he did it, all while your mama was at a concert with some girlfriends that had already been planned. That concert was a praise and worship Christian concert with bands like Bethel music, Natalie Grant, Matthew West and Zach Williams. All night while praising God, I thought about you and what it would be like to have you join our family. I cried a lot with gratitude that God would give us this opportunity and privilege.
We didn’t sleep a lot that night thinking about what might lie ahead in the next 24 hours. We were still waiting for our next steps. On Saturday morning, around 7:38 AM, we received an email telling us that we should be at the hospital by 9 AM to meet you and meet Auntie O. We raced around like crazy people getting ready and making sure your brother and sisters were taken care of. Uncle Momo (Matt S.) came over to be with them until Nonnie arrived to take Frazier and Mary-Michael to their basketball game.
When we arrived at the hospital, they put us in a family waiting room, and we waited for what seemed like hours. I think it was only 20 minutes, but we were nervous but peaceful at the same time because we knew God had told us YES.
When we walked into your hospital room, I grabbed onto Auntie O.’s hand and placed it in between my own. We greeted each other quietly understanding the gravity of that moment. Auntie O. handed you to me, and I took one look and thought, this is a beautiful, precious baby. We spent the next several hours talking with Auntie about who we were, who she was and what her hopes were for you. There were staff coming in and out to check you, check her and help us get through the paperwork that was the beginning of the adoption. I told Auntie that she was so brave, and she began to cry which made me cry. It was a very emotional day, and we could see that your birth momma loved you so much, and she was making this decision out of that love for you.
Around lunchtime, we said goodbye to Auntie O. so that she could spend a few more moments with you and then be discharged from the hospital. Your daddy and I went to our favorite fast food place, Chick-fil-A, to get some lunch and wait. There we tried to absorb all the events of the day. We made phone calls to family and close friends who began to help plan your arrival so that you would be taken care of like we had planned for you for nine months. And boy did they take care of us and you!
We headed back to the hospital around 1:30pm, and daddy dropped me off so he could go pick up your brother and sisters and bring them to meet you. Your Auntie was still with you and waiting to be discharged, so I spent about two hours in the waiting room watching every person that walked by to see if they were bringing you to me.
Daddy returned with your siblings and we waited a little bit longer until they finally brought you to us. Everyone wanted to hold you immediately, and soon your Uncle Zach and Aunt Christina arrived bringing gifts and excitement for our tiny new family member.
We all enjoyed about four hours together holding you and eating dinner from or dear friends who blessed us with more Chick-fil-A for dinner! I was given a courtesy hospital room to stay with you that Saturday night and by 730, everyone had left and it was just you and me. We had such a sweet time together and I held you most of the night. I still couldn’t believe that you were mine. The number of congratulations and well wishes we received was overwhelming. You were being welcomed into a huge family and community, and you didn’t even know it yet.
On Sunday morning around 6:50 AM, my dear friend Mrs. Kelly brought your mama breakfast from McDonald’s and some snacks. Though we hadn’t slept much that night, a few cups of coffee and a yummy breakfast got me going as I anxiously awaited our discharge, so that I could bring you home. We were discharged around lunchtime with a healthy report from the pediatrician. Your daddy and Mary-Michael came to pick us up. We were all so excited!
When we arrived home the house was full of baby stuff – more than I ever expected. Our church family rallied around us in 24 hours, and gave us every single thing we needed from a brand new crib to formula and diapers to clothes and baby meds. Even after 3 weeks we have only bought 1 bottle. Wow! Plus we have 6 weeks of meals coming from dozens of different people, which might be the best gift of all for this weary momma.
The Young family and your Nonnie and Grandad helped me sort and get organized, so that we would be ready for you. Everyone was so excited to meet you. Later that day, the Lighty family, the Senters family and Poppy and Mimi came over to see you. You continued to be so good, quiet and a beautiful baby. Our little shining star.
Your first few weeks have been filled with visitors and lots of snuggling. You continue to eat well and regularly every 3 to 4 hours. You only fuss when a cold wipe touches your skin or you really need to burp. You are such a good baby, and I can’t believe how fast we’ve fallen in love with you.
On March 1, we went to the Henrico Juvenile Courts where your adoption was made official. We met Auntie O. there and shared how you were doing. Throughout the days leading up to that and even after the court hearing, she’s continued to check in on you and ask for pictures. She really cares for you, and we feel very blessed that this will be an open adoption. She is a wonderful young woman that made an amazing decision to carry you and give you life. We will always be so thankful for that choice. We look forward to visiting with her 2 times a year and sharing updates and pictures about how you’re doing.
Benaiah Michael - Your story touched so many lives, and we love you immensely. We can’t wait to see how God’s story and plan for you continues to unfold.